Saturday, April 5, 2014

#MH370, a possible scenario

Today, CNN is reporting that Chinese news services are claiming that a Chinese vessel has recorded a ping of 37.5 kHZ, the frequency emitted by a black box.

The location has been given as 25 S, 101 East.

If so, this is approximately 3000 to 3100 kms south of KUL.

This is almost due south of Kuala Lumpur.

Why is it there?

Here is my suggestion.

Something happen which caused the pilot to turn around and head back to KUL.

The cause of the turn back is due to some emergency. The cause of this emergency could be an accident  (eg fire) or suicidal pilot or hijack, the various scenarios proposed to date.

At some point, someone attempted to key in the coordinates for KUL (KLIA airport). These are 2.745N and 101.709E.

However due to the circumstances on board the Latitude coordinate was keyed in as 27.45 S instead. The emergency caused the person to make the error.

At some point, there is nobody controlling the aircraft and if flies on its own towards the erroneous waypoint.

The flight ends in the 25S 101E area now being searched.

I hope this ping turns out to be true.

Distance calculator from