Monday, November 24, 2008

Part 3 of 3 Richard Abas 45 year review of Technopreneurs in Malaysia

Richard Abas 45 year review of Technopreneurs in Malaysia Presented on Sat 22 Nov 2008 at startupcampkl gewmalaysia

 Part 3 of 3

Richard Abas 45 year review of Technopreneurs in Malaysia Part 2 of 3

Richard Abas 45 year review of Technopreneurs in Malaysia Presented on Sat 22 Nov 2008 at startupcampkl gewmalaysia

 Part 2 of 3

Richard Abas 45 year review of Technopreneurs in Malaysia Part 1 of 3

Richard Abas 45 year review of Technopreneurs in Malaysia presented on Sat 22 Nov 2008 at startupcampkl gewmalaysia.

Part 1 of 3

Saturday, November 22, 2008

startup KL GEWMalaysia

45 Year Review Of Technopreneurs In Malaysia Start Up Camp KL Gewmalaysia

From: razlan,
20 minutes ago

Richard Abas 45 Year Review Of Technopreneurs In Malaysia Start Up Camp KL Gewmalaysia

SlideShare Link

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Richard Abas innotech kl

Richard Abas presentation

45 years of Technopreneurs in Malaysia

Social Entrepreneurship - The Hot Spots & Funding Trends, addressing the Global economic crisis via technology

innotech kl organised by MDeC as part of Global Entrepreneurship week

17 Nov 2008

Richard Abas innotech kl

Richard Abas presentation

45 years of Technopreneurs in Malaysia

Social Entrepreneurship - The Hot Spots & Funding Trends, addressing the Global economic crisis via technology

innotech kl organised by MDeC as part of Global Entrepreneurship week

17 Nov 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Alternative CV

Richard is a serial startup junkie.

He left a safe normal career in Finance and Accounting in 1996 to join a bunch of guys to start up an internet business. Netscape had recently listed and this thing called the internet looked kinda interesting. After a few months he concluded that the business was going nowhere and he went back to a safe normal job in 1997. The bunch of guys continued and today call themselves Lesson number 1. You make mistakes.

While he was working his safe normal job he managed to get state government funds to build an internet incubation centre. It was called Johor Incubation Centre, It helped young people create business plans for internet based and technology ideas. JIC launched in 1999 at about the time of the dotcom boom and at one stage, valued itself at RM100m. Lesson number 2. It is a very great danger when you believe your own bulls***. He closed in 2002 shortly before his contract expired. Lesson number 3. Even safe normal jobs are not.

Having not much to do and being rather impossible to hire he helped a bunch of guys start a software company. IKCM (Integrated Knowledge and Campus Management Sdn Bhd) today produces ERP systems for Universities. IKCM has made a lot of money and lost a lot of money. Lesson number 4. Listen to your wife.

He helped some friends build an internet stock exchange for high quality wristwatches. He travelled frequently to London and Geneva. failed spectacularly and burned a lot of resources.

In 2003 he got a grant from Cradle and set out to build an Online Company Secretarial System It failed to launch and has now morphed into is currently being developed on and hopes to launch in the first quarter of 2009.

In 2004 he assisted some friends list on Mesdaq. He owns about 5% of He is still working out what lesson this will teach.

In 2005 he helped some Australian friends to build an accounting outsourcing business in Cyberjaya to service accounting firms in Australia. This was sold in 2006 to MYOB.

In 2006 he became a Cartographer and applied for a patent to convert latitude and longitude to a single string. He is now trying to change the world's postcode. Some people are concerned that he has gone completely mad. Proof of this is and

In 2007 he started an outfit; Ruby on Rails Sdn Bhd and renamed the holding company as Web 2.0 Sdn Bhd. If you do not understand the significance of both these names, then it really does not matter. It is still too early for any lessons from this. In any case Richard is quite beyond salvage and not much can help anymore.

Appointment to Tracoma Board of Directors

Announcement to the Stock exchange.
This is a requirement when there is a change of the composition of the Directors of the Board of a listed company.

Stock Name :TRACOMA
Date Announced :31/10/2008

Date of change :31/10/2008
Type of change :Appointment
Designation :Non-Executive Director
Directorate :Independent & Non Executive
Name :Richard George Azlan Abas
Age :45
Nationality :Malaysian
Qualifications :En Richard George Azlan Abas graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia in 1984. He attended the Management Development Program at the Asian Institute of Management, Manila in 1995. He is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.

Working experience and occupation :Richard articled with Arthur Andersen & Co from 1984 to 1989 and served Arab-Malaysian Corporation Berhad from 1990 to 1996. He was Group Chief Executive of YPJ (Johor Education Foundation) Holdings Sdn Bhd from 1997 to 2002 and is currently Managing Partner of Azlan & Co, Chartered Accountants.

Presently, he sits on the Board of Silver Bird Group Berhad.
Directorship of public companies (if any) :Silver Bird Group Berhad
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer
:He has no family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the Company.
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries


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